Safety Tips

Don’t Burn for More than 4 Hours

At this point, the candle should be extinguished, allowed to cool for two hours, and trimmed before relighting.

Keep Away from Anything that can Catch Fire. Avoid Drafts.

Never burn a candle on or near drapes, bedding, carpets, books, paper, decorations or anything else that can easily catch fire.

Keep a Safe Distance Between Candles

Grouping candles can create a beautiful ambience in a room. If you like to do this, keep the candles 10cm apart.

Be Watchful for Excessive Flames and Smoke

Extinguish a candle if it repeatedly flickers, smokes or the flame becomes too high, as the candle is not burning correctly or safely.

Follow the ½ Inch Rule

Extinguish a candle when half an inch of wax remains at the bottom of the jar. This will prevent possible heat damage to the surface on which the candle burns.