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Mother's Day 2023

Mother’s Day can be a wonderful time of year, show that special person in your life that you appreciate their love and support. As the date changes each year, you might ask – when is Mother’s Day this year? The day falls on Sunday 10th March in Ireland this year, so it is fast approaching!

Candles are a thoughtful gift that will bring joy. With our wide variety of scents and fragrances, there is something to suit everyone’s taste. On top of adding a soothing scent, candles elevate home décor, so take a look and pick up one that will be loved!

Of course, mothers and guardians are wonderful and should be showered with love and affection all year round, but they do deserve a little bit more when celebrating Mother’s Day.

Pamper your loved one by whipping up something amazing in the kitchen this Mother’s Day with our Cookware Sets, Frying Pans, and Ovenware. Why not bake a delicious treat for after dinner? A cake baked with love is a wonderful way to top off a great time celebrating Mother’s Day!

A great way to look back on and celebrate precious memories is by adorning your home in Photo Frames of cherished memories. Why not look through your collection of photographs, pick out your favourites, and pop them into photo frames to surprise your loved one. They’ll be sure to put a smile on anyone's face whenever they walk by!


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